導航:首頁 > 小說大全 > 關於電影人物的小說


發布時間:2022-01-17 09:02:21

⑴ 求一種小說,講的就是一群人進入電影內去執行任務,殺死電影內的人物,例如貞子。求!


⑵ 有哪些小說或電影里的人物名字,讓你印象無比深刻


⑶ 求10部電影,10部小說,10個人物,10個人物故事的英文名詞,並寫3句左右的介紹!


1. A River Runs Through It
In 1992, Robert Redford directed a film of the same name starring Brad Pitt, Craig Sheffer, Tom Skerritt, Brenda Blethyn, and Emily Lloyd. It was nominated for three Academy Awards and Philippe Rousselot won an Oscar for his cinematography.
The film fueled a dramatic rise in fly-fishing's popularity: the fly fishing instry expanded roughly three-fold in the five years following the film's release.

2.Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump is a 1994 drama film based on a novel by Winston Groom that was written in 1986, and the name of the title character of both.
The film tells the story of a simple man and his epic journey through life, meeting historical figures, influencing popular culture and experiencing first-hand historic events while largely unaware of their significance, e to his lower than average intelligence. The film differs substantially from the book on which it was based.

3. Babel
Babel is a Golden Globe and Academy Award-winning 2006 film, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu and written by Guillermo Arriaga, starring an ensemble cast.
The movie focuses on four interrelated sets of situations and characters, and many events are revealed out of sequence. The following plot summary has been simplified, and thus does not reflect the exact sequence of the events on screen.

4.Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The fictional story is set in the historic Qing Dynasty in China. The approximate date of the story is ring the 43rd year of Emperor Qianlong's reign.
A China-Hong Kong-Taiwan-United States co-proction, the film was directed by Ang Lee and features an international cast of ethnic Chinese actors, including Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi and Chang Chen.

5. Mr. Bean's Holiday
Mr. Bean's Holiday(also known as Bean 2) is a comedy film starring Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean which was released in the United Kingdom March 2007 and August 24, 2007 in North America.
The film opens with Mr.driving his lime-green mini up to a church, where a fête is taking place. Somewhat unexpectedly, Bean wins the first prize in a raffle - holiday involving a train journey to Cannes, a Sony Handycam DCR-HC96 video camera, and

⑷ 關於HP人物穿越另外動畫(或電影)的小說


⑸ 找一個小說~內容大概就是整個社會中演電影是人物相當穿越進去演角色,一般人會忘記現實讓觀眾真實的觀看


⑹ 哪些小說或電影里的人物你很喜歡,卻戲碼很少


⑺ 有關於吸血鬼,狼人等人物的小說,電影

《夜訪吸血鬼》 安妮.賴斯:http://lib.verycd.com/2003/12/21/0000002233.html(電影下載)


《熱夜之夢》 喬治.馬丁:http://lz.book.sohu.com/serialize-id-6457.html(很新,內容也很不錯)

⑻ 求一些有可能拍成電影的小說的故事梗概以及主要人物列表


⑼ 關於美國電影或小說中的人物能和下面的描述匹配的。我想請大家幫我想想。急需啊。

這些 在美劇 《辛普森一家》中都可以找到對應的人。
如果 對《辛普森一家》背景不了解 ,可以網路看下。

⑽ 求主角可以召喚動漫、電影、小說里的人物或物品 的小說 謝謝!!!

道具召喚師 人物系統破環,可以召喚許多道具
我的神之系統 穿越異界,還可以穿專越動屬漫,動漫能力自然有
兌換狂人 穿越異界,還可以穿越動漫,動漫能力自然有
主角模版 穿越動漫
少女契約之書 穿越異界(不應該說是異界),還可以穿越動漫
無限水晶宮之旅 穿越動漫
無限升級契約流 穿越動漫
無敵兌換 穿越異界,還可以穿越動漫,動漫能力自然有
無限之綜漫天下 穿越動漫
召喚之游戲 穿越異界,還可以穿越動漫,動漫能力自然有
超級模仿 都市,可以把動漫人物召喚到都市,動漫能力自然有
召喚電腦 穿越異界,召喚動漫人物,動漫能力自然有



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